July 2023 Trestleboard

The Trestleboard is an official publication of Twin Peaks Lodge No. 32, which is a legally constituted Masonic Lodge operating under charter granted by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Utah. The Trestleboard is published for the sole and exclusive use of the members of Twin Peaks Lodge No. 32, and any other use is expressly forbidden. The editor of The Trestleboard is Glen Van Steeter. Submissions of educational articles or other announcements may be sent to the editor at [email protected], and if selected for publication, will be given full attribution. All submissions are subject to the approval of the Worshipful Master of Twin Peaks Lodge No. 32 and the editor of the Trestleboard.
The Lodge Secretary endeavors to keep our roster as accurate as possible. If you are moving, changing your mailing address, phone number or email address, please update your information in GrandView or notify the Secretary so that your information can be kept current.
Twin Peaks Lodge Secretary
June Calendar
- Monday, July 5 – No Lodge. We are “dark” for stated meeting for the month of July and August.
- Monday, July 10 @ 7:00pm – Officer Meeting. Any brother is invited to attend and contribute.
- Saturday, July 15 @ 8:00am – Volunteering at the Utah Food Bank
- Monday July 17 @ 7:00pm – Degree Practice, Floorwork and Fellowcraft Degree
- Monday July 24 @ 7:00pm – Pioneer Day. Possibly get together for “Pie & Beer” (Pizza and root beer)
- Monday July 31 @ 7:00pm – 5th Monday Entered Apprentice Educational Night.

Sickness and Distress
Worshipful Robert Hartman, well-known among the members of Twin Peaks Lodge #32 and serving as the current Senior Warden, needs our help. Many of you are already familiar with Brother Hartman’s wife, Kathleen, who has consistently shown support for his endeavors in Masonry. She is not only a member but also holds the esteemed position of Past Matron at MT Olympus Chapter #23 OES, located within the premises of this cherished Masonic Temple.
Regrettably, Kathleen is currently battling lung disease and requires a lifesaving transplant. In light of this urgent situation, we humbly present her fundraising web page to the brethren, inviting you to read it. Those who feel inclined are kindly requested to contribute to this noble cause. Moreover, Brother Hartman earnestly requests that you kindly share the link on your respective social media platforms, ensuring that others may become aware of Kathleen’s pressing need.
Let us rally together as a united Masonic community, demonstrating the strength of our fraternity by extending a helping hand to one of our own in this time of great need. Your support and contributions will be deeply appreciated, further exemplifying the values we hold dear.
Contribute to Kathleen Hartman

Please keep these brethren and their families in your thoughts, and add them to your daily devotions to the Grand Architect.
If you happen to hear about a brother who is in distress, please contact either the Worshipful Master or the Lodge Secretary ASAP so that the Lodge can put itself in a position to assist.

Congratulations on a great first half of the year. We are doing amazing things in Twin Peaks Lodge #32. It’s good to see the renewed energy. The degree work has been exceptional. The fellowship phenomenal! We are making a positive effect in our own lives and in our community, all while having a good time while doing it.
Just because the lodge is “dark” during the summer months doesn’t mean we don’t have anything to do. We will be practicing for the upcoming degrees as well as hosting special educationals.
We expect to receive seven petitions when we meet again in September. Get ready! We will be busy with degree work and coaching.
Your Brother on the Square,
Ephraim Sng, Worshipful Master
Lodge Shirts
Lodge Shirts! Get yer lodge shirts here! We have designed and ordering lodge collared shirts. They will be a coolmax, polyester type material and embroidered logo. Cost is $20 per shirt.

Masonic Anniversaries
These brethren were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in the month of June.
- Most Worshipful Frank Baker raised on July 12, 1999 and has 24 years of service.
- Brother Mark Bisaillion, raised on July 28, 2003 and has 20 years of service.
- Worshipful Brother Lyle Miller, raised on July 19, 2004 and has 19 years of service.
- Worshipful Brother Ephraim Sng, raised on July 19, 2007 and has 16 years of service.
- Worshipful Brother Richard Wailes, raised on July 19, 2004 and has 19 years of service.
Happy Birthdays!
These brethren were born in July. Make sure and wish them a “Happy Birthday!” when you see them this month!
- Brother Bretton Crockett, who was born on July 20.
- Brother Jeremy Estes, who was born on July 21.
- Brother Devin Foutz, who was born on July 12.
- Brother Rick Hoffman, who was born on July 4.
- Brother Christoper Rogers, who was born on July 12.
- Brother Joshua Fau’olo, who was born on July 23.

Report on Past Events
Masons at Work Picnic
We had a great turnout our annual Mason’s at Work Picnic. A good time with great food, games, and the raised a good amount for the lodge. We also saw a few faces we haven’t seen in a while! It was good to have everyone out.

Welcome our Newest Master Mason!
Please join me in welcoming Brother Austin Stoker as the newest raised Master Mason. Austin has worked hard in memorizing the catechisms and done an excellent job by returning his work in open lodge. It was an excellent turnout with brothers from four different lodges in attendance. We are proud to have Brother Stoker as our newest member!

Educational Feature!
One is coming soon. Hang tight.