September 2022 Trestleboard

The Trestleboard is an official publication of Twin Peaks Lodge No. 32, which is a legally constituted Masonic Lodge operating under charter granted by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Utah. The Trestleboard is published for the sole and exclusive use of the members of Twin Peaks Lodge No. 32, and any other use is expressly forbidden. The editor of The Trestleboard is Glen Van Steeter. Submissions of educational articles or other announcements may be sent to the editor at [email protected], and if selected for publication, will be given full attribution. All submissions are subject to the approval of the Worshipful Master of Twin Peaks Lodge No. 32 and the editor of the Trestleboard.
The Lodge Secretary endeavors to keep our roster as accurate as possible. If you are moving, changing your mailing address, phone number or email address, please update your information in GrandView or notify the Secretary so that your information can be kept current.
Twin Peaks Lodge Secretary
Welcome Back!
The summer months are flying past and soon the leaves will be changing colors and the days will become cooler. With this time of the season, it’s also time for Twin Peaks Lodge to get back to business. Since Monday September 5th is a national holiday (Labor Day), the Stated Meeting will be held on the following Monday, September 12th at the usual time and place. While the Lodge was “dark” over the summer, that does not mean that Twin Peaks Masons were idle. In August alone, we ran a promotional booth at the Midvale Harvest Days celebration, sorted and packed hygiene items at the Utah Food Bank, performed yardwork in front of the Midvale Temple, and several brethren visited the Hill Air Force Aerospace Museum. For those of you who weren’t able to attend, you were both missed and you missed out! Masonry isn’t just about stated meetings and degree work. Masonry is a society or band of brothers, and it’s at events like the Utah Food Bank were our true purpose is revealed, which is charity.
September Calendar
- Monday, September 5th: Labor Day! Enjoy the day!
- Saturday, September 10th: Help out Linda Rogers to move into her new home.
- 9 am to whenever we get done. We need people with trucks and trailers and a few strong backs.
- Location: In Eagle Mountain. It’s about a 55 minute drive from the Lodge. Contact the secretary to get the address.
- Contact the secretary to get on the volunteer list! We need people to move furniture and moving boxes from the old house to the new one.
- Linda will be providing iced lemonade and sandwiches.
- Monday, September 12th: Stated Meeting
- 6:30 pm: Pre-meeting dinner in the banquet room downstairs.
- 7:30 pm: Gavel drops for the Stated Meeting.
- Monday, September 19th: Fellow Craft Degree for Brother Stephen Sumbot (Tentative)
- Time: 7 pm. Dress is tuxedo or dark suit. Officers are requested to arrive at least 45 minutes early in order to help setup the Lodge room and make all ready.
- If it turns out that Brother Sumbot is not quite ready to go, then this will be a full degree practice.
- Monday, September 26th: Meetup dinner at Chubby’s Cafe in Riverton. See the article below for more details.


September 26th at 7 pm.
Join us for an enjoyable evening of good American food and great conversation. We will be visiting Chubby’s Cafe in Riverton. The address is 1276 W 12600 S. Family and friends are invited to join in the fun!

There is a fascinating phenomenon in psychology known as the “Bystander effect.” It refers to the mindset where individuals are less likely to take action or help if others are around. When in a group setting, individuals will often feel decreased responsibility and assume others are responsible. Put in all too familiar words that I’m sure we’ve all heard before, “someone else will do it.”
What can we do about this mindset? First is educating ourselves and understanding that such a phenomenon exists and happens frequently. Second, is recognizing that we ourselves can all too often fall into the same trap. As with buttholes and biases, we all have them (yes, I said that.) It is important that we check ourselves so we can learn to overcome it.
What is the goal of Freemasonry and Twin Peaks Lodge? Who is responsible for achieving that goal? Masonry is all about improving ourselves – becoming “better men.” It is what I love most about this fraternity. We all share the common goal of becoming better in every aspect of our lives. “Sincerity and plain dealing distinguish us; and the heart and the tongue join in promoting each other’s welfare, and rejoicing in each other’s prosperity.”
So do we idly stand by watching as society, our lodge, or our brothers go through a crisis or deteriorate a slow death? NO! That is not us. That is not who we are as Masons.
Do you want to have a good experience in Freemasonry? We have plenty of opportunities to serve in Twin Peaks. Your input and feedback is always appreciated. Your service is valued. Come out and serve and I promise you will have a positive experience.
Your Fellow Brother on the Level,
Ephraim Sng, Worshipful Master
Welcome back from the summer months! I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible for our September stated meeting as well as other activities.
Brethren, I need to discuss a serious topic. We have thirteen members who have still not paid their dues. Of these, two I can no longer contact by any method whatsoever. Of the remainder, attempts have been made to call, letters have been sent, emails have been transmitted, but there has been no reply. Of these 11, six received a one-time remission of their dues in 2021. This means that the Lodge membership took up a vote and with their ballot, extended Masonic charity to them and maintained their membership in 2021 even though they had not paid their dues nor had they given any reason as to why they could not or would not do so. This charity will not be repeated this year. If you look in your wallet and you do not have a 2022 dues card, then you are one of those who have not paid their 2022 dues, which were payable on the 1st of January of this year. TIME IS RUNNING OUT! The Lodge will be sending out eight-week and four-week imminent suspension notices in October. That’s only one month away. If you are one of these thirteen members, and you are facing a situation where you believe you cannot to pay your 2022 dues, then I encourage you to contact me as soon as possible. My email is [email protected]. My phone number is 602.904.1551. I eagerly await your phone call or email. Please, let me help you! There might be ways to work around the problem, but by November, it will be TOO LATE! Look in your wallet now. IF YOU DON’T HAVE A 2022 TWIN PEAKS DUES CARD, then call me! Be aware that I drive a school bus during the day, so if you call and you don’t get through to me, THEN LEAVE A VOICE MESSAGE! You can also text me. Heck, you can even send me a letter! BUT DO IT NOW!
Related to the above, as I stated, we have lost contact with two of our members. If you haven’t received a phone call from us, or a letter since 2021, then odds are good that the contact information we have for you is outdated. I ask each member of this Lodge to take a few moments and send me the following information:
- Your current address
- Your current best phone number.
- The name of your spouse.
- Any other phone numbers or email addresses that we can use to reach you.
I want to thank the following brethren who worked their tails off over the summer at our many activities. W. Bro. Ephraim Sng, W. Bro. Robert Hartman, W. Bro. Lyle Miller, W. Bro. Stephen Horman. These brethren attended 80% or more of our activities over the summer. They are the heart and lungs of this Lodge. Without them, we would be in serious trouble. I encourage those of you who have not been in Lodge a while to read this Trestleboad and see if there is some way you can help. Help with our Lodge Calling Committee, which is trying hard to reach every member in Utah who hasn’t been in Lodge in the last five months; Who helped with our Utah Food Bank service projects; Who manned the promotional booth at the Midvale Harvest Days celebration; Who came out and worked in the very hot Utah summer sun to weed and clean up the front area of the Midvale Temple. You don’t have to attend Lodge meetings to be a big help and take the load off of some of these very hard-working brethren! But the old saying that “Many Hands Make for Light Work” is absolutely true, and these brethren are deserving of both praise for their efforts and for assistance in what they do to make this Lodge function.
There is a very good chance that we will be holding a Fellow Craft degree on September 19th. If you are unable to attend any other meeting or activity in September, ATTEND THIS ONE! If this degree goes 1/2 as well as the Entered Apprentice degree we performed in July, then it will be a good one to see as Brother Sumbot advances through his degrees.
Finally, we need to start thinking about Lodge Elections in November. Who’s willing to serve? Who should serve? Lodge elections are one of the most important pieces of business that any Lodge conducts annually. Let’s get the conversation started now!
From behind the computer screen, I remain your fraternal brother,
Glen H. Van Steeter, PM – Secretary, Twin Peaks Lodge No. 32

Masonic Anniversaries
These brethren were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in the month of September.
- Most Worshipful Brother George Keith Odendahl PGM, raised on September 9, 1975 and has 47 years of service.
- Worshipful Brother Kevin Alger Tucker PM, raised on September 30, 2005 and has 17 years of service.
- Brother Miles Leon Crockett, raised on September 19, 2008 and has 14 years of service.
- Brother Jaysen Zachary Roundy, raised on September 27, 2013 and has 9 years of service.
- Brother Spencer Lee Forman, raised on September 30, 2019 and has 3 years of service.
Happy Birthdays!
These brethren were born in the month of September. Make sure and wish them a “Happy Birthday!” when you see them this month!
- Brother Eugene Tenney, born on September 1.
- Worshipful Brother Robin Winslett, born on September 8.
- Worshipful Brother Robert Shearer, born on September 10.
- Mr. Stephen Sumbot, born on September 11.
- Brother David Burleigh, born on September 12.
- Brother Jason Dyckman, born on September 15.
- Worshipful Brother George Auer, born on September 15.
- Brother Ephraim Sng, born on September 17.
- Brother Jared Sanford, born on September 18.
- Brother David Birch, born on September 18.
- Brother Mark Bisaillon, born on September 24.
- Brother Jerry Acton, born on September 25.

Twin Peaks Report
Twin Peaks has been busy! Although our Lodge was “Dark” during the month of August, we were still very active in spreading Light. These activities are open to masons, friends, and family! Come out and be a part of our community.
Midvale Harvest Days
August 6 – Midvale city was very excited to have us represented at the Midvale Harvest Days. We ran this booth as a part to raise awareness of our lodge as well as raise funds for our activities and Sub for Santa. This was the first time we were represented in a long time. We had some people who were curious and wanted to learn more. We got to answer a few questions, take down some interested parties information, and come across a few masons who wanted to come back to lodge. I’ve always believed simply being out there and be seen can work wonders. Although the weather was a bit rainy that day, it was a good experience and one we will look at doing again with improvements.
Utah Food Bank
August 13 – Thank you to the brothers and spouses who came out to serve the Utah Food Bank. We were well represented and got a lot accomplished! We ended up doing three different rotation stations during our time to which they were very grateful. I was amused as we served alongside the United Brotherhood of Carpenters. Between the Masons and Carpenters, we could have built anything!

August 13 – The Job’s Daughters had organized a cleanup for the same day so a few of us stayed after the food bank to help support them letting them know we also cared about our building. It was in desperate need of cleaning up. During the Midvale Harvest Days event, a few people made comments about how they thought our building was abandoned. It was embarrassing to say the least. Let’s take some pride in where we meet and the work we do. Thanks again to W Brothers. Glen Van Steeter and Lyle for helping clean up the weeds. It was not an easy task but one that needed to get done.
Monthly Meetup
August 22 – We had a great meetup at Slackwater Sandy. There was a comment made, “We need more of this. This is where Masonry happens.” I agree. A lot of ideas were shared which we will work on incorporating into improving our lodge! Come out to our next Meetup on September 26, 2022 at Chubby’s Cafe.
Hill Air Force Base Family Day
August 27 – As part of the Master Builder program, we wanted to go on a cultural and educational excursion as a lodge. We visited the Hill Air Force Base Museum in Ogden. Little did I know Glen was such a gearhead when it came to planes. Who needed signs? He was our personal tour guide and told us all about the history and specs of the planes! (And he was right!) We read about fellow Masonic Brother James H. Doolittle, four-star general who organized the raid on Japan during WW2. A great educational experience.


We are taught in our Lodge that the greatest of all Masonic attributes is charity, which endureth long after the grave, through time immemorial. Our last Utah Food Bank service project, held in August was quite successful. We worked hard and had a good time. But it has been noticed by me, not to mention others, that it seems to be the same 5 or 6 members plus a couple of spouses that perform this important charitable service. The demands being placed on the Utah Food Bank is greater than ever as a result of the economic times that we are living in. The Utah Bood Bank needs help now more than ever. So while Twin Peaks is bringing five to eight members, family and friends, we are encouraged to bring fifteen!
While you are reading this, if you are able to perform moderately heavy work, will you consider helping your Lodge and your Community? Will the work of the Lodge continue to be performed by the same 5-6 members, or will it truly be the “Lodge”? Only you can decide. If you can help, please contact W. Bro. Robert Hartman and get on his list of people we can call. His email address is [email protected].
NEXT SERVICE DATE: October 15th, 8 am to 10 am.

Nobler Deeds, Higher Thoughts and Greater Achievements
Submitted by Worshipful Brother Robert M. Hartman, Sr. Warden of Twin Peaks Lodge No. 32
I recently read an article that set me to thinking; and I want to share it with you in this issue of the Trestleboard.
Freemasons believe that we should always try to do better. While celebrating our success today we also want to do even greater things tomorrow. We are never complacent with our work, nor do we ever think that our current standard is as good as it can get. We are always seeking to improve. We respectfully look at the splendid accomplishments of those who have gone before us with gratitude for their labor and respect for their impact. While we do that, we are also doing our level best to continue the upward trajectory of their work through our own efforts now. All the while we are dreaming of how the next generation will reach even higher heights that we can obtain today. In this great work of advancement, growth and progress, the whole human race is linked; generation to generation, in an upward trajectory planned by the Great Architect of the Universe himself. We must strive to be better all the time.
A phrase that is often used to describe Freemasonry is “Making Good Men Better.” The truth is that the structure of Freemasonry does very little to accomplish that goal itself. Instead, the ritualized teachings of Freemasonry are made available to every Freemason as he is initiated as an Entered Apprentice, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Once he learns the teachings of our ritual, it is up to each individual Freemason to apply those teachings to his life. It is in the application of those teachings that he becomes better.
In this way each Freemason strives towards Nobler Deeds, Higher Thoughts, and Greater Achievements in his personal life through daily growth, even as the human race does from generation to generation.
From: Making Good Men Better, Carl W. Davis, PM.

“The Engineer – to lay out the grounds of the Encampment”
Submitted by Glen H. Van Steeter, PM – Secretary of Twin Peaks Lodge No. 32
In the Fellowcraft Degree “G” lecture, we are given special instruction regarding the importance of Geometry, not only as a practical science, but also to its classification as a “noble” science, meaning that its practice displays benefits not only from a practical application, but also to the minds and morality of those who are practitioners of it.
“Geometry, the first and noblest of the sciences, is the basis upon which the superstructure of Freemasonry has been erected.”
“By it, the engineer is enabled to layout the grounds of the Encampment.”
What does this mean?
During the Exodus of the Hebrew people from their bondage in Egypt, they wandered through Sinai for 40 years. During this time, the LORD provided instruction as to how the Israelites were to organize their encampments. We read specifically in Numbers 2:2: “The children of Israel shall encamp every man by his own standard, with the banners of their father’s house: at a distance from the Tent of Meeting (Tabernacle) shall they encamp around it.”

Note: This diagram is notional and not to scale.
The LORD expected that certain requirements would be followed.
The tribe of Judah would be accounted the senior position in all things, including the encampment. This is indicated in Genesis 49:10: “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to Him shall be the obedience of the people.”
Numbers 2:2-34 describes in detail the nature of the encampment. It sets forth the number of men in each of the tribes except for the tribe of Levi. It defines the names of the twelve other tribes and further specified that the encampment of Judah would be in the east and would include the tribes of Issacher and Zebulon; the encampment of Dan would be in the north and include the tribes of Naphtali and Asher; in the west was to be the encampment of Ephraim, including the tribes of Manasseh and Benjamin; and in the south was to be the encampment of Reuben including the tribes of Simeon and Gad.
Numbers 1:50 appoints the Levites over the tabernacle, so they were placed in the center of the encampment, around the tabernacle. This included the following:
Numbers 3:23: The Gershonites encamped on the west side of the tabernacle.
Number 3:29: The Kohanthites encamped on the south side of the tabernacle.
Numbers 3:29: The Merarites were encamped on the north side of the tabernacle.
Numbers 3:38: Moses, Aaron, their sons, who were to perform the duties of the sanctuary for the obligation of the sons of Israel, were to be encamped on the east side of the tabernacle.
As you can see from the above diagram, the engineers had a great deal of work to make sure that the encampment would accommodate the hundreds of thousands, that they were all in their proper places with the appropriate room, and that they were dispersed the correct distance from the tabernacle.
The tool they used for that was geometry. They needed it to calculate the surface area for the tribe of Levi. As the tribes were of different sizes, they needed it to calculate the amount of area each tribe would need. They had to orient the encampment correctly, with the encampment of Judah always having the place of honor in the east, as well as to be sure that the encampment of the priests, Moses and Aaron were also in the east.

Equally importantly, although the Levites were responsible for the tabernacle and everything contained in it, the tabernacle was a large, portable structure, documented in Exodus chapters 25 through 27 and from Exodus 35 to 40. The tabernacle was 30 cubits in length, 20 cubits in width, and 10 cubits tall. A cubit was the distance from a man’s elbow to his fingertips, and in modern reckoning, is about 18”. Therefore, the tabernacle was 45 feet long, 30 feet wide and 15 feet tall. It was also constructed of gold-plated shittim wood boards, so it was not so much a tent as an easily reassembled structure.
It is my opinion that “by it, the engineer to lay out the grounds of the encampment” mentioned in the “G” Lecture refers to this important encampment by which the people of Israel, after having been relieved of their bondage in Egypt, lived a full two generations before entering the promised land, full of milk and honey.

Recommended Attire
- Business dress for stated meetings and degrees. Tuxedos are optional for degree meetings.
- Casual dress for service projects and casual events such as our lodge meetups.
Remember that the way you dress is a reflection of our Lodge and our Craft!