September 2021 Trestleboard

Sickness and Distress
Robin Winslett is still recovering from illness and phone calls are welcome!
Brethren all, if you are aware of any member of this Lodge who is suffering from ill-health or other adverse circumstances, or you yourself are suffering the same and you feel that it would benefit the member to be contacted by members of the Lodge, please reach out to the Secretary and let him know!

Longevity Award Presentations Night!
Brethren, at our September 13th stated meeting, we will be hosting the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Utah, Daniel J. Lawes, who will be presenting 55- or 50-year pins and certificates to three of our Twin Peaks’ Masons: Worshipful Brother Ron Lloyd (50), Brother Harold Lish (50), and Brother Lawrence McGill (55). It is hoped that our brethren who live in Salt Lake County will make a special effort to attend this meeting so that we can properly congratulate these brethren for their milestone achievements.

Stated Meeting
1st Monday of the Month at 7:30 pm at the Midvale Temple. Please make the effort to arrive 15 minutes early. This month, the meeting will be on September 13th at the usual time, due to the Labor Day holiday on the 6th. We will be making our annual presentation of Lodge Longevity Awards this evening and we will have the honor of having our own Most Worshipful Grand Master, Daniel J. Lawes, in attendance to make the presentations personally. Please make an extra special effort to attend and honor these long-standing members of your Lodge.
Other Mondays
Every Monday is a Twin Peaks Night! 2nd and 3rd Mondays will be for scheduled degrees, degree practices, officer practices, and candidate workshops. The 4th Monday will be reserved for the monthly Lodge “meetup” which is a dinner at a local restaurant. For months with a 5th Monday, the Worshipful Master or the Educational Committee will set the agenda.
September 20th: FC Exemplification at 7 PM at the Midvale Masonic Temple
Holidays and Observances
September 6th: Labor Day (US Federal Holiday) – A day to celebrate the contribution of the common laborer to our great country.
September 11th: Patriot Day (US) – a day to reflect on the horrific terrorist attack that occurred in 2001 and to remember the lives lost not only as a result of the attack, but the brave first-responders who ran into flaming buildings to save victims.
September Meetup
We are trying something a little different this month for our Masonic Meetup & Dinner. We invite you to come down to Utah County and enjoy the offerings of Strap Tank Brewery, located at 3661 N. Outlet Parkway in Lehi, Utah. The restaurant’s name is derived from the 1907 Harley-Davidson Strap Tank model motorcycle.
Directions: From the North, take southbound I-15 to the Timpanogos Highway exit (SR-92). Turn left at the underpass and head east to Triumph Blvd. There, turn left (north), and at the first light, turn left again onto Cabela’s Blvd. Strap Tank Brewery is located in a distinctive red brick building at the corner of Outlet Parkway and Cabela’s Blvd.
We do ask if you are planning on attending, to please let the Secretary know so that he can arrange for seating. You can reach him at: [email protected], or by phone / text message at 602.904.1551.

From the East
Returning to Work after Dark
We will be returning to normal work routine starting September 13, 2021. I welcome all of you to join with us on the 13th as we will be presenting three 50-year pins to Brethren of our lodge that evening. The Most Worshipful Grand Master Free and Accepted Masons in Utah will be visiting as a guest and to assist in the meaningful presentation. I joined the fraternity in 2002 and became a member of Twin Peaks in 2004. I have learned to watch and listen to the Brothers’ who have been involved longer than I. I have meet some of those who have been members and in good standing for close to 50 years before. This presentation will be something special to me as it will be the first time, I have ever had the honor of presenting this award to a brother. Please come join with us. We will be opening on the EA degree.
Some thoughts about the coming four months. As noted, we start meeting again in September. Because of the Labor Day National holiday, we will meet one week later than usual. This is pretty much usual for us. We will again be meeting on the 2nd and 3rd Mondays for ritual practice and degrees. The 4th Monday will be our Meet Up night where we, and guests will join together to break bread and engage in conversation in a relaxed atmosphere.
We have two months to prepare for Elections. In November every Master Mason belonging to Twin Peaks is entitled and encouraged to attend to determine the elected lodge officers for the ensuing Masonic Year. Each of us are encouraged to look and vote for the good of Masonry. The elections are not a popularity contest. Who best works, and best agrees? For those who are newer to our fraternity, the elected offices are:
- Worshipful Master
- Senior Warden
- Junior Warden
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Three Year Trustee.
All other officers are appointed by the Worshipful Master-elect and he must meet qualifications laid out by the Grand Lodge prior to his installation in December. Believe me it’s not easy meeting those qualifications. An individual who meets the criteria and is installed has been chosen by his brothers to lead this lodge, remembering that we are all volunteers in the fraternity and are here because we chose to. If the WM elect has done the work and prepared for his possible election, he has an understanding as to how to lead in a manner that others willingly follow.
It is my thought and belief, that each of us as Master Masons are in a position to participate in the various meetings and degrees in a way that prepares us for the possibility of serving the Lodge in an official position and having prepared know that we can do a solid job of whatever it is we do. All of the above is hopefully motivation for all of us to attend practices, to step out of comfort zones in the safety of the lodge and learn various parts and positions, possibly even lectures for degrees. The Grand Lodge Ritualist program is a way of tracking things that you have done, and challenges for us as we become better men through first learning how to volunteer in lodges and the other facets of our lives.
Richard L. Wailes, PM
Worshipful Master

On the Secretary’s Table
Hello brethren!
This month my topic is on membership issues.
First: We have five Entered Apprentices. I am hoping that one or two of them are close to passing off their catechisms so that we can schedule their Fellow Craft degrees. Mentors – reach out! Find out where they are at and be prepared to discuss their preparedness in the September stated meeting. Mentors, if you need to know how much your candidate has left on the clock before he must present his proficiency, reach out to me or talk to me at the stated meeting.
Second: We are really struggling with calling committee, including myself. For some reason, messages we are leaving on answering machines or voice mail are not being responded to. Please, please, please. If you’ve gotten a voice message from a brother of the Lodge recently, it was probably a calling committee member. Take a few moments and call that brother back. Let us know how it is with you and your family. Give him an opportunity to let you know what’s happening in Twin Peaks.
Third: It is a sobering and disheartening fact that of our 74 members, 15 are currently in arrears on dues. That’s about one in five members, Brethren! Phone calls have been made, messages have been left, and letters have been mailed. Of the sixteen letters mailed on July 22nd, I have received only one response. Two of those letters came back as undeliverable. If you are suffering from financial hardship, please contact your secretary (me) as soon as you can. Arrangements can be worked out. The discussions will be held confidential between you, me and the Charity committee. We have tools to help. But you, and only you, can initiate that process! Don’t delay! Contact the secretary ([email protected] / 602.904.1551) or the Worshipful Master ([email protected] / 8013808-1072) today and let us know how we can help!
Fraternally and cordially,
Glen Van Steeter, PM

Masonic Birthdays
The following Brethren have anniversaries of their being raised to the Degree of Master Mason this month.
- Most Worshipful Brother George Keith Odendahl PGM, raised on September 9, 1975 and has 46 years of service.
- Brother Daniel M. Overman, raised on September 28, 1998 and has 23 years of service.
- Worshipful Brother Kevin Alger Tucker PM, raised on September 30, 2005 and has 16 years of service.
- Brother Miles Leon Crockett, raised on September 19, 2008 and has 13 years of service.
- Brother David Nicholas Burleigh, raised on September 23, 2013 and has 8 years of service.
- Brother Jason Zachary Roundy, raised on September 27, 2013 and has 8 years of service.
- Brother Spencer Lee Forman, raised on September 30, 2019 and has 2 years of service
Happy Birthdays
The following Brethren were born this month.
- Brother Eugene Tenney, born on September 1.
- Brother Robin Winslett, born on September 8.
- Worshipful Brother Robert Shearer, born on September 10.
- Brother David Burleigh, born on September 12.
- Brother Jason Dyckman, born on September 15.
- Worshipful Brother George Auer, born on September 15.
- Brother Ephraim Sng, born on September 17.
- Brother Jared Sanford, born on September 18.
- Brother David Birch, born on September 18.
- Brother Mark Bisaillon, born on September 24.
- Brother Jerry Acton, born on September 25.

Do you Facebook? Join us at the Twin Peaks Facebook Group?
If you are already using Facebook, then you should check out the private Facebook group for the Lodge. We post events for meetings and Lodge activities and there are places for discussions, rooms and topics. This is a great way to stay in touch in-between meetings, especially for our brethren who no longer live in the Great State of Utah! Facebook can be used from anywhere: Your computer, a tablet or your phone. Once you have logged in, just type “Twin Peaks Lodge #32 of Free & Accepted Masons” in the search bar and our private group should be at the top of the list. If you aren’t a member of the group yet, click the “Join” button. One of our moderators will see your request and should let you right in.

150th Anniversary of Utah Masonry Celebration
Brethren, on Saturday, January 15th, 2022, we will celebrate.
We will celebrate 150 years from when Wastach, Mt. Moriah and Argenta Lodges met in convention at Masonic Hall for the purpose of organizing a Grand Lodge for the Territory of Utah.
We will celebrate 150 years of friends and brothers; 150 years of hardships and triumphs; 150 years of the history of all our distinctive lodges that, together assembled, and together mutually strenghtened, embody and encompass our great Fraternity in Utah.
Join Us.
Additional information, including how to reserve and purchase tickets for the 150th Anniversary Banquet, will be forthcoming. Direct questions to [email protected].

Educational: Appendant and Concordant Bodies
This is primarily directed to the newer members of our Lodge. During your conversations with ‘well informed brethren’ you may have heard of additional Masonic organizations that are related to Craft or Blue Lodge Masonry. You may have heard them referred to as “appendant” or “concordant” bodies. This article will endeavor to explain some of these two you.
For some Freemasons, these Bodies are only a distraction from what they believe should be the concentrated focus on the fellowship of the Craft Lodge and its rituals and opportunities for charitable acts. For other Freemasons, these bodies expand their fraternal horizons with an added circle of fellowship and opportunities to experience a broader vista of ritualistic experience. Neither group should denigrate the viewpoint of the other as both approaches have a long and reputable history, the study of which can bring pleasure to many Freemasons. In addition, their respective charities have offered immeasurable benefits to those in need.
Coil’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry refers only to appendant degrees, such as the “high” or haut degrees and grades, and conflates the adjective appendant with concordant, appurtenant, etc. Mackey’s Encyclopedia uses the term appendant orders and cites as the example, the Order of Malta and the Order of the Red Cross conferred within the Templary, as those two Orders are always conferred along with the Order of the Temple. The term “Masonic Appendant Bodies”, as we are familiar with, is generally referring to groups that require their member to be Master Masons in good standing in a Craft Lodge.
The foundation of all Masonic organizations is, of course Craft Masonry or Blue Lodges, of which the Grand Lodge of Utah and Twin Peaks Lodge are both examples. In the Craft Lodges, the Three Degrees of Masonry are obtained.
Right Worshipful Paul Bessel’s excellent and informative website lists nearly fifty US national appendant bodies. The major Masonic Appendant Bodies in the United States are often considered to be the York Rite, the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, the Tall Cedars of Lebanon, the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (Shriners), Grotto, High Twelve International, each which has a different perspective and objective and some of which are primarily social in nature. Many other appendant bodies are active in other countries, such as the Mark degrees and the Order of the Secret Monitor within Britain, and these have had historical impacts on Freemasonry in the United States.
There are separate bodies within some of these Appendant Organizations such as the Royal Arch Chapter, Cryptic Council, and the Commandery of the Knights Templar in the York Rite, whereas the Scottish Rite contains the Lodge of Perfection, the Chapter of Knights Rose Croix of Heredom, the Council of Kadosh and the Consistory.
There are other bodies with both Master Masons and ladies as members. Two examples are the Order of the Eastern Star and the Order of the Amaranth. Others are ladies only, like the Daughters of the Nile and the Social Order of the Beauceant. There are also Masonic youth groups, which include Job’s Daughter International and Rainbow Girls for young ladies and the Order of DeMolay for young men.
The origins of some of the Appendant Body degrees incorporate symbolism from now defunct legendary organizations such as the Rosicrucians, alchemists, and other philosophical groups. It seems likely that many of these legends may have provided the basis of some of the side degrees.
It would require a much lengthier article than space permits within this Trestleboard to dive into the deep details about the Appendant and Concordant Bodies, but there are many informative books and sites on the Internet that will provide more information for the inquisitive mind.
I realize that I have not yet defined any distinction between “Appendant” and “Concordant” bodies. In my time and history as a Freemason, speaking with many “well informed” brethren, I have had the opportunity to ask some of them, “What’s the distinction?” As you might have guessed from the references to both Coil and Mackey, there is quite a lot of debate concerning this topic. However, what follows is the answer that made the most sense to me and I offer it up for your consideration:
An “Appendant Body” is open toMaster Masons only and their degrees are intended to fit within the hierarchy of the Three Degrees of Masonry. These degrees are “appended” or added to the Craft Masonry Degrees. It is generally acknowledged that the Third Degree is the highest degree that a Blue Lodge Mason can attain, regardless of any other appendant bodies to which he may belong. To cite two examples regarding these additional degrees: the Scottish Rite confers an additional twenty-nine degrees which are numbered 4th through 32nd[1], while the York Rite confers ten degrees, numbered 4th through 13th. But in both cases, from a hierarchical viewpoint, the appendant degrees are generally held to exist between the 2nd and 3rd Degrees of Freemasonry.
“Concordant Bodies”, broadly speaking, offer membership to Master Masons or in the case of the coeducational or ladies’ organizations, women who have some relationship to a Master Mason through birth, marriage, or by virtue of holding a Majority Membership from one of the two Masonic girl’s youth groups. Their degrees, if offered, do not fit within the hierarchy of the Three Degrees of Craft Masonry.
The three youth groups are collectively referred to as “Masonic Youth”. Membership requirements differ between them. Candidates for Job’s Daughters must be related to a Master Mason in some way, while for Rainbow Girls, the candidate must have a Mason’s sponsorship. Membership in The Order of DeMolay is similar to Craft Masonry in that candidates are not required to have Masonic relationship, although that is frequently the case. Additionally, all three Masonic Youth groups require that at least one Master Mason serve on the youth advisory council.
In Summary: Appendant bodies restrict membership to Master Masons in good standing whose degrees are considered additions to those of Craft Masonry. Concordant bodies require Masonic sponsorship, can include both Master Masons and women who have some form of Masonic relationship and whose degrees, if offered, do not fit into the hierarchy of the Three Degrees.
The basis for this article is derived from an article entitled “Appendant Bodies” by the Right Worshipful John Schroeder, who at the time of writing was the Division VII Provost and which can be found on the Grand Lodge of Virginia’s website under “Masonic Talks”. However, the original article has been amended for length, since I wanted to provide additional information that attempts to form a distinction, if any, between “appendant” and “concordant” bodies. The final five paragraphs are authored by my own hand.
Fraternally submitted,
Glen Van Steeter, PM
[1] For you nitpickers out there, I well know that the AASR has a few additional degrees, such as 32nd Degree Knight Commander Court of Honor (KCCH – Red Hats), and 33rd Degree Inspector General Honorary (White Hats). These are both honorary degrees and awarded, as opposed to the other twenty-nine that are conferred to all who complete their initiation in the Scottish Rite.

Educational: F&AM vs. AF&AM (Or Others)
- F&AM: Free and Accepted Masons
- AF&AM: Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
After the foundation of the 1st Grand Lodge in England in 1717, a rival Grand Lodge arose only two decades later, calling itself the Antients (Ancients) in an attempt to assert greater authenticity than the rival “moderns” of the Grand Lodge. This creates an ironic juxtaposition wherein the “Ancients” were established later than the “Moderns”. The confusion only begins here. The “Antients” were also known as “Atholl Masons” from their 1st Grand Master, John Murray, the 4th Duke of Atholl. Some authors, such as Carl Claudy, claim the Antients were schismatic, having split off from the 1st Grand Lodge. Others such as Allen Roberts assert that the Antients were founded independently by Lodges deriving in Irish and Scottish traditions who felt excluded by the “Moderns”.
These two competing English Grand Lodges, along with Grand Lodges establish in Scotland and Ireland, issued charters for Lodges in the American Colonies into the latter half of the 18th century. The American Revolution severed the ties between the English, Irish and Scottish Grand Lodges and those of the nascent United States, whereupon native Grand Lodges arose to replace them. In 1812, when the United Kingdom and the United States were once again at war, the rival English Grand Lodges amalgamated to form the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) which is the governing body of English Freemasonry to this day.
Returning to the United States, Grand Lodges were organized separately in each state. Some were the offspring of Provincial Grand Lodges and some were self-declared independent Grand Lodges, such as Virginia. These Grand Lodges were comprised of Lodges whose charters had been issued by both the Modern and Antient Grand Lodges in England, as well as the Scottish and Irish jurisdictions. The designation of whether a Grand Lodge was “Free and Accepted” or “Ancient Free and Accepted” was therefore a likely arbitrary choice, based perhaps on which group had more political leverage at the time they were constituted.
One cannot conclude anything significant about the nature of the ritual used by a Grand Lodge as pertaining to its “Antient” or “Modern” content based only on the designation of F&AM or AF&AM. May Grand Lodges have blended the forms and it would take a time-consuming and detailed study to determine the precise provenance of each American jurisdiction’s standard work. It appears that the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania may adhere most closely to the rituals of the Antients, while a northern tier of US States, running from Connecticut through Minnesota and perhaps even farther west, preserves the Modern ritual most closely. Consider this one example: the phrase “any be due”, which is synonymously rendered “aught be due” in so-called Modern jurisdictions. Huh? How can this be? Why would the Antients be using a more modern synonym? The perception is that US Grand Lodges with a printed ritual cipher have maintained “aught” while jurisdictions that retain an oral tradition of passing the work to their initiates have “modernized” the language somewhat for ease of transmission and memory. And the F&AMs or Moderns have more readily adopted written ciphers, thereby slowing the progression of older to more modern language. Confused yet? Yes!
Let’s make it just a little more confusing, shall we? There are two US Masonic jurisdictions that use neither “F&AM” nor “AF&AM”. The Grand Lodge of South Carolina is “AFM”, while the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia uses “FAAM”. These distinctions have no real meaning with regards to their origination or the nature of their ritual.
Finally, various suppositions are made about “four-letter” and “three-letter” Grand Lodges and their supposed relationship to Prince Hall Grand Lodges (PHA) or their modes or recognition. But, these are entirely unfounded.
This article is based on an article written by Robert M. Firestone and can be found on “The Masonic Trowel” website. I have made minor changes to make it maybe just a little more entertaining to read. Regrettably, no attribution to Mr. Firestone’s Masonic affiliation was provided. For all I know, he was a historian but not a Mason, but I find it unlikely. But, as I find the Masonic Trowel articles to be generally well-founded, I have provided it as food for thought. I cannot tell you the number of times where I have recited ritual and have been asked “Are you F&AM or AF&AM?” I find the question as it relates to ritual performance to be totally without meaning.
Fraternally submitted,
Glen Van Steeter, PM

Where Can You Go to Get Masonic Education?
Well, that depends on whether the educational feature is Masonic or not. Let’s focus on the Masonic ones.
I have a decent library of Masonic books, some of which I have acquired and others that were graciously gifted to me. Donors include Brother Harold “Whitey” Mason and W. Brother Lee Rogers of Twin Peaks and Brother Joe Papas of Phoenicia Lodge No. 58.
Where to start?
If you are a Master Mason, you were given a Masonic Monitor. That’s the very first place you should go. Next, you should obtain copies of the Three Degree lectures and study them. Next, you should learn some of the lesser lectures, like the “Apron”, “Charity”, “G” and Working Tools lectures. Become familiar with your Lodge bylaws. Once you have done that, you are ready to really expand your knowledge.
Some of my favorite sources are Coil’s Encyclopedia (of Masonry) and Albert Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Masonry. Both are acknowledged scholars of Masonic history and minutiae. I also have read through Albert Pikes’ Morals and Dogma, which is a foundational textbook of the Scottish Rite and the basis of the ritual and meaning of the Southern Jurisdiction of that body. Anything written by Arturo de Hoyos is a gold mine, although most of his works are intended for the Scottish rite. His books have the additional benefit of being written recently. The same can be said for Christopher Hodapp, who wrote Freemasonry for Dummies. Going back to Albert Mackey, he also wrote A Lexicon of Freemasonry and Mackey’s Jurisprudence of Freemasonry. The latter is just fascinating.
I have heard several brethren discount the Short Talk Bulletins provided by the Masonic Service Association of North America, but I find that for a concise and to-the-point educational feature that needs to be delivered with little notice, these are great. Unfortunately, my collection was lost when a torrential rainstorm flooded my Phoenix home garage.
The Grand Lodge of New York published a handbook collection of talks entitled The Committee Papers, which are intended to be used as a progression of educational aids for candidates progressing through the Degrees and to be presented by the candidate’s mentor. This was also lost in the great flood, but if memory serves, it is broken into four sections: The Candidate, The Entered Apprentice, The Fellow Craft and The Master Mason. Each section is divided into five presentations, each between 3-5 pages long. If you find one of these, read it! If you have one that you don’t want any more, I want it!
As we live in the “information age” and have the Internet, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention some of the sources I make use of. A word of caution. Many of the offerings on these websites are of questionable scholarship, so if you use these you should exercise some prudence and do your own research, fact-check and evaluate. In the situation where an internet article conflicts with a Masonically-published printed source, prudence dictates that the published material should prevail.
- Ars Quator Coronati. The premier Research Lodge in Craft Masonry. Located in England. The “Research” menu link will take you to a positively deep and dense list of Masonic links and research articles, all of which have been peer-reviewed.
- There is a link to “QC America”, but it is principally a disambiguation page. Until recently, S. Brent Morris, the pre-eminent U.S. Masonic Scholar, was the head of QC America. His many writings can be found on I have had the honor and privilege of personally meeting and debating with Brent while in Phoenix, Arizona and his reputation is justly deserved.
- The Masonic Trowel. This is one of the oldest Masonic educational resources on the internet, and it sure looks it! I bet this thing has not stylistically or technically changed since about 2002. You will find articles from members of jurisdictions all over the world.
- Masonic Lodge of Education. This website reflects US Masonry and is not affiliated with any jurisdiction. It’s a good place to start or to round out research, but scholarship is sometimes sketchy.
- Masonic World. Specifically, the Education page. There are over 600 articles. Many “articles” are links to other websites. More are submissions from brethren. Some are well attributed with footnotes citing sources. Many are not. Lean towards the attributed articles.
- Chris Hodapp’s Blog (Freemasonry for Dummies). An active blog hosted by Chris Hodapp, the author of Freemasonry for Dummies, this is not really a reference site as much as a place to go for the pulse of Masonic current events, trends, and news events that affect Masons. It also includes podcasts, videos and much more.
If you type “Masonic Education Articles” into your google-box, you will find all kinds of articles that are hosted on a huge variety of websites, many of which are hosted by Grand Lodges or Constituent Lodges. Again, as you perform these searches and read the material, keep a semi-cynical eye and make sure that what is presented conforms to what you know about Masonry already in terms of philosophy, ethics, rules for moral behavior, philanthropy, culture, society and form of governance. Don’t forget that there are organized Masonic jurisdictions that do not conform to our concept of Freemasonry, such as co-educational Lodges. They are fun to read but will not add to your knowledge of Freemasonry with regards to what we in Utah consider “lawful”.
You can never go wrong by having your own copy of the Utah Grand Lodge Code (Constitution and Bylaws), The Trial Code and the Book of Ceremonies. This can be found on the website by typing “Utah Grand Lodge Code” in the search bar. As of this writing, it’s only $9.99. It’s only available in the Kindle format and requires the Kindle Reader app to read it. The Kindle App is available at no cost for PC, Mac and can be found in the Google Play and Apple AppStore which means that you can read it on your computer, tablet, and mobile phone devices. A final benefit of the Kindle edition is the ability to search the contents for what you are looking for, which makes finding information much easier if you have a clue as to what you are looking for. A word to the wise, the current edition of the Grand Lodge Code is the 2016 Edition. The 2013 Edition is still available on Amazon. Don’t buy that unless you want to see what has changed! For you brethren who like paper books, I’m sorry. You’ll have to print it.
There are many resources to be found within the Grandview portal, which the Utah Grand Lodge and Twin Peaks use. If you click on the “Resources” tile in the portal, documents appertaining to each of the Degrees, Utah Grand Lodge governing documents including the Constitution, Bylaws and Regulations, Masonic Trial Code (but interestingly, NOT the Book of Ceremonies), documents on Grand Lodge programs and Grand Lodge forms can be found there. In your Lodge portal, you should also be able to find links to the Bylaws of your Lodge as well as Lodge minutes.
Sometimes when you surf the web for Masonic education, it will take you down a path you didn’t expect, and you might learn something that reinforces your current knowledge or introduces you to whole new concepts and permutations. In the latter situation, always, always, always try to find some other attributed resource to back it up! Obtaining a deep knowledge of Freemasonry requires time and effort. The only information you are “given” is contained within the Three Degrees, and especially the lectures that are contained within them. But these only scratch the surface and are trailheads to be followed, investigated and explored.
Fraternally Submitted,
Glen Van Steeter, PM